Saturday, September 25, 2010


Okay, okay. So, I haven't stopped by here in almost two months. I haven't been doing so hot about being intentional about much of anything lately. A new job has been sucking the life out of me; I come home stressed and drained of energy. Things are on the upswing again, though (including a new promotion at said job!) and I plan to be back here again real soon.

In fact, I stumbled across a bunch of people taking part in a $30 a week grocery challenge during the month of September. Some participation was related to Hunger Awareness Month. Well, I knew of no such Awareness and surely didn't know of such a challenge. September's almost over, but I've decided to go ahead and create my own Hunger Awareness Month and will begin October 1st.

Here are the rules I'm going to live by in the month of October:

*spend no more than $30 a week on food, including eating out
*if friends/family feed me that does not count toward my $30
*I can use whatever I already have on hand (I'm not starting the challenge for another week, so I figure the most expensive things in my pantry will already be consumed.)
*try not to alter my lifestyle too much (i.e. don't be a hermit)

I'm doing this challenge for a few very different reasons. The first of which is I think it will give me a better appreciation for people that live this on a daily basis with little choice. Secondly, I've been spending entirely too much money lately and need to keep my budget in check. Thirdly, I have nothing to lose, but everything to gain as the cliche goes.

Anyone want to join in?

Here are some interesting links to check out:
NY Times Article
SNAP Challenge FAQs
another blog
$30 for TWO!!

One last thing:
Some people have gotten really testy about how bloggers are using this as a "social experiment" and how this is offensive to people living in this reality. Please understand that this is the furthest thing from my intent. As I wrote earlier I am simply giving myself this challenge to learn from it and become more aware of the choices that I have and how blessed I am and in turn, use the blessings I have been given to be a blessing to others.

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