Saturday, February 12, 2011

If I went to a fortune teller...

...she would tell me that the next two to three years of my life will be life altering, if I keep taking the next step and then the next step.

It's like I can get glimpses of what my life is to be about; which is why I've done some altering to this blog, specifically the title.

Even though the title comes from a strange and twisted little song from Florence + the Machine, this one line to me represents what has taken place in my walk with God in that he has given me a glimpse of what my life is supposed to be about. You can read more about it over on my other blog, if you're interested.

I've come to the realization that to grow fully into what he has planned for me I need to be in better health (mentally, physically and spiritually).

This year is the year that I tackle this with intensity.

Join me.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I'll see your three months and raise you three.

I have a habit of neglecting my blogs. It's a habit I'd like to break. If only work and responsibilities and real life didn't get in the way, I could post more often.

In one of my previous posts I mentioned going back to the gym. That's one of the "real life" things I'm referring to. Up until the last two or three weeks I was really consistent going three times a week (510am comes mighty early). Dare I say that I actually enjoy going to the gym, especially in the mornings? There are hardly any other people there at 530am, I can get my workout knocked out and done for the day, and I feel super energized and alert all day instead of sluggish. Remind me of this when my alarm starts annoying me when it's still dark outside, ok?

Lately I've been getting some inspiration from this guy. You should check out his youtube vid; it's pretty rad. I can say "rad" if I want to; I'm a child of the 80s.

I promise (what's that thing you do behind your back when you're not really telling the truth?) that I'll be back shortly with a whole new post.

Check out the post I put up on my other blog. Items #4, 7 & 20 will make cameo appearances on this one when it happens.

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